CARLSBAD, CA (October 17, 2017) – The San Diego County Medical Society (SDCMS) has worked collaboratively with San Diego Magazine for more than 10 years to recognize physicians who are held in the highest regard by their peers. Many of the nominees have been recognized for multiple years since the award began.

The NextMed Center of Carlsbad is pleased to announce that the following physicians have been selected to receive the prestigious San Diego Magazine Top Doctor Award for 2017:

• Arlene Joan Morales, MD****
Fertility Specialists Medical Group

• Kim M. Goodwin, MD********
West Coast OB/GYN Associates
• Craig Sean Saffer, MD*******
West Coast OB/GYN Associates
• Lauren Denise Bales, MD**
West Coast OB/GYN Associates
• Amy Colleen French, MD**
West Coast OB/GYN Associates
• Daniela S Meshkat, MD***
West Coast OB/GYN Associates
• Christina Maria Chirico, MD*
West Coast OB/GYN Associates

• Adam Samuel Fierer, MD******
Minimally Invasive Surgeons of North County

Note: * denotes number of years the doctor has been nominated on the list.

The NextMed Center of Carlsbad medical campus is the hub for innovative medical treatments with an eye to defining the future of medicine.

From women’s services to regenerative medicine; orthopedics to same-day surgery – the best doctors in the country have come together to serve patients in the beautiful seaside town of Carlsbad.

SAN DIEGO, California, May 18, 2017 (eReleases)-

After suffering a potentially career ending knee injury, Brian Farber of the San Diego Sockers in the Professional Arena Soccer League searched for a treatment to get him back in the game. After a few failed attempts, Farber turned to stem cell therapy. He would later become one of the first people in San Diego to receive this innovative regenerative medicine treatment.

Farber had suffered a knee injury and torn patellar ligament about two and a half years earlier. Initial treatment with physical therapy and platelet rich plasma injections were unsuccessful. He was not a candidate for surgery and was told that he would “just have to live with the pain”. But, the pain made it difficult to resume professional soccer and his other favorite daily activities such as jogging with his wife and teaching at his soccer academy. Farber had even considered retiring from professional soccer.

Fortunately, a colleague introduced him to Dr. Christopher Rogers, founder of the San Diego Orthobiologics Medical Group. Dr. Rogers had treated many other patients successfully and was confident that stem cell therapy would heal Farber’s injury. Dr. Rogers is the first physician in San Diego to offer this state- of-the-art and FDA compliant treatment known as Lipogems®. The safety and efficacy of this new technology has been validated by several research studies.

This was the information Farber needed to take a chance with stem cell therapy. The Lipogems® procedure involves the use of liposuction to harness a patient’s own fat derived stem cells. Dr. Rogers uses high resolution ultrasound imaging to visualize the injury and to inject stem cells into the injured tissue. Farber decreased his activity for ten days to facilitate the healing process. Follow-up care included physical therapy, progressive strengthening and BEMER technology, which uses pulsed electromagnetic waves to stimulate cellular activity and improve circulation. Farber’s hard work and Dr. Roger’s expertise paid off. Within three months Farber was feeling strong and by six months he was playing competitive soccer without any pain.

The patellar tendon is healed 3 months after treatment with Lipogems®.

Farber, who is known to his soccer fans as “Flash” is pleased that he can stand up to his nickname once again. He says that “it feels great to run without pain”. He was recently voted Comeback Player of the Year and selected to the Indoor National Team. He is preparing for the Indoor World Cup which would not have been possible had he remained injured.

Dr. Rogers and his team at the San Diego Orthobiologics Medical Group are proud to have helped Brian achieve such a high level of performance and we will be rooting for Brian and the San Diego Sockers this year.

For more information regarding the San Diego Orthobiologics Medical Group stem cell therapy, please visit:

November 28, 2016
Kristi Maas, MD, ME, FACOG

Who me?

If you are reading this, chances are you are someone who may be interested in having children at some point in your life. You may not necessarily be at that point today- you may never reach that point- but don’t set this article aside; it is intended for you! Now is the best time inform yourself, consider your options, and take action if you want to!

Deciding when or if you want to get pregnant

As women we have competing interests with respect to our fertility. We desire to prevent pregnancy until a time we feel ready, but we also want to easily become pregnant when we are ready. The introduction of birth control pills in the 1950s and their widespread availability have allowed women to prevent unwanted pregnancies and better time a pregnancy for their life schedule. This trend, in combination with a shift towards women entering careers outside of the home, has resulted in women being older at the time of giving birth to their first child.

According to the Centers for Disease Control in 1970 the average age at first birth was 21.4 years and it increased to 25.8 years in 2012.[1] The rise reflects a six-fold increase in the number of first time mothers aged 35-39 and a four-fold increase among mothers 40-44 years old.[1]

With advancing age at first born, more women are faced with infertility. After many years of hiding these struggles due to fear or shame, patients with infertility are finally sharing their stories and the problem is well recognized. With this recognition comes a call for action. Women are motivated to prevent this difficult diagnosis.

How many eggs do you have and can you get more?

Our current understanding of female fertility is that a woman’s egg supply is a fixed pool of eggs that develop while a woman is still in her mother’s womb. This egg supply peaks at 6-7 million when she is approximately 20 weeks of gestation for her mother. The pool of eggs declines over time and at birth it is approximately 1-2 million.

A woman’s eggs remain in a resting state until she reaches puberty at which time she will start to develop multiple follicles with eggs every month. A primary follicle is selected from those that are developing and the other follicles die off. This primary follicle is the one from which a woman ovulates (releases a single egg). As a result, a woman uses up more than one egg per month despite generally only having one egg released and available to create a baby.

How does an egg become a baby?

When the egg is released from the ovary it is swept into the fallopian tube where it can meet with sperm to create an embryo. The embryo then travels down the fallopian tube and implants in the uterus. In an uncomplicated pregnancy, forty weeks later, a baby is born.

Why your age matters

If a woman is born with all of the eggs she will ever have and these eggs are lost over time it is clear that time and, therefore, age play an important role in fertility. In addition to a decreased supply, the remaining eggs from older women are more likely to be chromosomally abnormal as her age increases. Chromosomes contain genetic material that is passed from a parent to a child and chromosomally abnormal pregnancies are less likely to lead to a live birth. It is estimated that approximately 5% of a 25 year old woman’s eggs are chromosomally abnormal whereas 10-25% are abnormal among women in their thirties.[2,3,4,5] This number rises significantly to 50% or higher for women in their forties.[2,3,4,5] The increasing rate of abnormalities is due to the process of egg maturation and development prior to fertilization with sperm.

What can affect your ovaries and how well they work?

Genetic conditions such as Fragile X Syndrome and Turner’s Syndrome (45X0) are known to be associated with loss of egg number and quality at younger ages. Eggs can also be injured or prematurely depleted by treatments termed “gonadotoxic.” Gonadotoxic therapies include select medications such as chemotherapy, radiation, surgery to the ovaries or the blood supply to the ovary, or significant long-term health conditions.

When a woman faces a diagnosis of a serious chronic medical condition, cancer, or the need for gynecologic surgery she should be counseled about the reproductive risks of her disease and/or treatment. We know that radiation and chemotherapy are gonadotoxic, meaning they injure the ovaries and eggs, and that the effects depend upon the amount of the gonadotoxin and the age of the woman when she is treated. As a woman’s age at treatment increases relatively smaller doses of the gonadotoxin will result in a more significant loss of egg number and/or quality.

The treatment of pediatric, adolescent, and young adult cancers has become more effective and survivors have longer life expectancies. This underscores the need for discussion of the effects of therapy on fertility and the preservation of fertility prior to treatment.

Can we preserve fertility?

Previously, many women facing gonadotoxic therapy were given neither information nor the option to undergo fertility preservation. When the information was provided the only available method to preserve female fertility was to freeze embryos. This created a significant dilemma for single women, lesbians, bisexuals, or women not in a committed relationship with someone whom they can or would like to use their sperm to create embryos. The introduction of egg freezing now allows women to preserve their fertility independently.

The use and success of egg freezing in patients facing gonadotoxic therapies has opened the door to fertility preservation for women who desire to delay childbearing for personal or professional reasons. Many women find this an empowering option, allowing them to essentially stop their biological clock and taking the pressure off of creating a family “before it’s too late.”

How to choose when to preserve your fertility?

Regardless of the reason a woman decides to preserve her fertility, the best time to do it is now. It is clear that fertility declines with age and it is impossible to know how long a woman’s fertility will remain functional. Each woman’s fertile window- the time where she is able to become pregnant naturally- is different. The window is affected by multiple factors including health, family history, exposure to gonadotoxins, and even other currently unknown factors. At this time, closure a woman’s fertile window can’t reliably be predicted.

Can you find out how well your ovaries will respond?

Despite the inability to determine when a woman’s fertile window will close, testing can be done to predict how she will respond to medications used to stimulate her ovaries. These medications were initially used for in vitro fertilization (IVF) and are now being used for egg freezing, as well. The testing is called ovarian reserve testing and is generally done on day three of the menstrual cycle where day one is considered the first day of flow.

An ultrasound can be performed to look at the number of follicles within each ovary and calculate an antral follicle count- the total number of measurable follicles.

Blood can be drawn to test for follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol (E2), and anti-mullerian hormone (AMH). Follicle stimulating hormone is released from the brain and stimulates the ovary to develop follicles and the eggs within them. Estradiol is checked in conjunction with follicle stimulating hormone. It is produced from the ovary and it assists in the interpretation of follicle stimulating hormone levels. Anti-mullerian hormone is cycle independent, meaning that it can be checked at any time during the menstrual cycle. It is another marker used to estimate the pool of resting follicles within the ovary.

These tests are interpreted together to estimate a woman’s ovarian reserve. The tests do not predict a woman’s window of fertility nor is their utility in non-stimulated (IVF or egg freezing) settings fully understood at this time.

What is the preservation process like?

Patients who desire to have their eggs frozen will undergo a process called controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. This involves taking injectable medications on a daily basis to stimulate the ovaries to develop multiple follicles. The woman will be monitored with vaginal ultrasounds and blood tests until her developing follicles have grown adequately. At that time, the patient will be give herself a final injection, called the trigger shot, that helps prepare the eggs within the developing follicles for retrieval.

Approximately 36 hours after the trigger shot, the patient will have the eggs removed in a quick procedure and will be able to go home the same day. During the procedure, a physician uses ultrasound to find the woman’s ovaries and guides a needle into each developing follicle where the eggs are carefully removed. An embryologist identifies each egg, prepares it for freezing, and then freezes the egg. These eggs are frozen in time and will always reflect the woman’s age at the time they were frozen, not the age of the woman when it is thawed and used.

When a woman is ready to use her eggs, they are thawed, fertilized with sperm, and then transferred back into her uterus during a quick procedure called an embryo transfer.

Are there any long term effects of the process?

Research has shown that embryos created from egg donors where eggs are collected and frozen, then stored until desired use when they are thawed and fertilized, have equivalent outcomes to embryos from eggs that were not frozen prior to fertilization.[6] The potential of the frozen eggs to become a baby depends upon a woman’s age at the time of egg freezing, her ovarian reserve, and her health history. This will remain the same regardless of how long the eggs are frozen as they are essentially suspended in time.

The medications used have for egg freezing have been used for decades in the treatment of infertility with IVF and have not been shown to have long term risks. Additionally, babies born through IVF processes- which in most ways are the same as using frozen eggs- do not have an increased risk of birth defects or disorders above that that occurs with spontaneous pregnancies.

The egg freezing process does not decrease a woman’s egg supply. The medications she takes during the cycle rescue follicles that would otherwise die off when the primary follicle is selected and keep them alive to develop multiple useable eggs. The process does not steal eggs from future menstrual cycles.

Opinions from experts in the field

Increasing acceptance for egg freezing came in January of 2013 and January of 2014 when three well recognized fertility and OB/GYN societies (ASRM, SART, and ACOG) released statements that egg freezing should no longer be considered experimental.[7,8] The societies endorse the practice of egg freezing for patients undergoing gonadotoxic treatment.

They state that further evidence is required before recommending egg freezing specifically for use by patients who wish to electively defer childbearing as there is insufficient data to confirm its utility. This lack of data is primary a result of the newness of the technique and the small numbers of patients undergoing egg freezing previously.

Fertility preservation is catching on

Recently, egg freezing has become more mainstream in society, as well. Insurance companies are regularly covering the cost of fertility preservation for patients undergoing gonadotoxic therapies and now technological companies such as Facebook and Apple are paying for their employees to electively have their eggs frozen.

Some worry that this may be seen as encouraging women to delay childbearing and focus on their careers while others feel this is a liberating opportunity for women to uncouple reproduction from age. The long-term effects remain to be seen, but women who are interested should investigate the opportunity as well as their insurance coverage options.

As a woman in my 30’s who works in the field of reproductive endocrinology and who has seen the devastating impact of infertility I have chosen to electively freeze my eggs. I don’t now what the future holds for me, but I feel more secure knowing that I have placed my fertility on ice and not left it to chance.


  1. Matthews, T and Hamilton, B. NCHS Data Brief No 152: First Births to Older Women Continue to Rise. May 2014.
  2. Sandalinas M, Marquez C, Munne S. Spectral karyotyping of fresh, non-inseminated oocytes. Mol Hum Reprod 2002;8:580-585.
  3. Pellestor F, Andreo B, Arnal F, Humaeu C, Demaille J. Maternal ageing and chromosomal abnormalities: new data drawn from in vitro unfertilized human oocytes. Hum Genet 2003;112:195-203.
  4. Fragouli E, Alfarawati S, Goodall NN, Sánchez-García JF, Colls P, Wells D. The cytogenetics of polar bodies: insights into female meiosis and the diagnosis of aneuploidy. Mol Hum Reprod 2011b;17:286-295.
  5. Fragouli E, Escalona A, Gutierrez-Mateo C, Tormasi S, Alfarawati S, Sepulveda S, Noriega L, Garcia J, Wells D, Munne S. Comparative genomic hybridization of oocytes and first polar bodies from young donors. RBM Online 2009;19:228-237.
  6. Sekhon et al. Frozen versus fresh donor egg IVF: similar efficacy and greater efficiency in a large donor egg IVF program. Fert Steril 2014;102(3):e83.
  7. ACOG: Committee Opinion No. 584: oocyte cryopreservation. Obstet Gynecol. 2014 Jan;123(1):221-2.
  8. Mature oocyte cryopreservation: a guideline. Practice Committees of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology. Fertil Steril. 2013;99:37-43.

“We Thrive on the Cutting Edge”

Fluoroscopic Guided Procedures

Fluoroscopic (X-ray) guided procedures have become the standard of care in the treatment of spine injuries. Patient safety is assured with the use of high resolution imaging and expert physician skill. Dr. Christopher Rogers is a specialist in the performance of fluoroscopy (digital x-ray) guided spine and joint procedures. In 1996, he was the first Board Certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physician in San Diego to have completed an Interventional Spine Care Fellowship. This program included advanced training with evidence-based methods in the diagnosis and treatment of spine pain. Since that time, he has treated more than 18,000 people with many different causes of lower back pain.

Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves to create digital images of tendons, ligaments, cartilage, muscles and nerves. This procedure provides resolution that is up to ten times that of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The exam is performed in the office while the patient is able to observe the results in real time. The use of ultrasound guidance allows the precise, safe and comfortable injection of orthobiologics such as platelets or regenerative stem cells.

Dr. Christopher Rogers is an expert in the use of diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound and ultrasound guided therapy. He has trained hundreds of physicians in the use of diagnostic ultrasound and has performed thousands of ultrasound guided procedures.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

In 2009, Dr. Rogers became one of the first physicians in San Diego to successfully treat a patient with an elbow injury by utilizing platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. It is used to treat such conditions such as tendon, ligament, muscle, and nerve injuries, and joint arthritis. Dr. Rogers has performed more than one thousand ultrasound-guided PRP treatments and has trained dozens of physicians in the appropriate use of PRP therapy.

ENDORET (PRGF) Technology

Dr. Rogers was the first physician in San Diego (and the third in the United States) to treat a patient with a tendon injury using the ENDORET plasma rich growth factor (PRGF) therapy.

Endoret (PRGF) technology uses a clinically proven Platelet-Rich Plasma Processing System to produce more rapid healing and decreased pain. It is safe and versatile, with clinical efficiency in tissue healing and regeneration.

Lipogems Therapy

Lipogems is an FDA approved medical device used for the treatment of tendon, ligament and joint injuries. It uses the body’s own fat tissue to cushion and support injuries for rapid and effective healing. It is a very good option for patients wishing to avoid a total knee or total shoulder joint surgery.

Dr. Rogers is a pioneer in the use of Lipogems in the United States. He was the first physician in San Diego to successfully treat a patient with knee arthritis using Lipogems therapy. In addition, he trains physicians from around the world at The Orthobiologic Institute (TOBI) training course each year.

Bone Marrow Concentrate (BMC) Therapy

Bone marrow is known to contain a variety of cells that stimulate the healing of tendon, ligament and joint injuries. Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC) Therapy is a scientifically proven regenerative medicine therapy used for the rapid healing of moderate to severe arthritis and tendon injuries. With our advanced bone marrow harvesting procedures, we produce a more viable and healthy cellular based treatment. In our state-of-the-art lab, the harvested bone marrow cells are analyzed with flow cytometry cell counters prior to treatment in order to customize and optimize our treatment results.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy (PEMF)

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy is a pain-free and safe method that has been used in Europe for more than two decades. This therapy has been shown in prospective clinical trials to reduce the pain and inflammation of joint arthritis. It improves systemic microcirculation, cellular detoxification, and the regeneration of bone, tendon and cartilage. It has also been proven to improve energy and decrease fatigue.


San Diego Orthobiologics Medical Group physicians recognize that each person is unique. The MyBioProfile Evaluation is a comprehensive evaluation that considers each person’s unique regenerative capacity by analysis of your anatomy, biomechanics and cellular biochemistry. This evaluation allows your team of doctors to modify and customize your treatment plan to ensure optimal and long lasting results.

Virtusense 3D Motion Analysis

Virtusense 3D motion Analysis is an advanced method of motion capture of your entire musculoskeletal system. It uses laser tracking without any sensors on the body, plus it is safe for the eyes. Different movements such as bending, squatting, lunges, joint mobility and rotary stability are monitored to measure treatment improvements and sports performance.

While other medical clinics simply focus on your symptomatic joint, the San Diego Orthobiologics Medical Group uses motion analysis to understand how your injury relates to the other joints in your body. Extremely precise measurement of movement restrictions and muscle imbalances can identify risk factors for a repeat injury.

Advanced Laboratory Testing

Your comprehensive evaluation will include advanced laboratory testing of micronutrients, systemic inflammation and biomarkers of regenerative potential. This allows your physician to make customized dietary and supplement recommendations to enhance your response to Regenerative Medicine Therapies.


Our facility has some of the most advanced Regenerative Medicine technologies available in San Diego. We provide many diagnostic tests and advanced Regenerative Medicine not available at any other clinic. Every treatment is performed by a board certified Regenerative Medicine physician with advanced ultrasound or fluoroscopic imaging training. We look forward to seeing you soon at the San Diego Orthobiologics Medical Group where customized care and excellent results are our top priority.